Chemical Dependency Services

Occasionally. life becomes too much. Sometimes you lose your personal belongings, home or freedom. Perhaps you may think about what things would be like if you just could do it differently. Maybe you are still not sure if your use is a problem. We'll work to evaluate your use and how it may effect aspects of your life. Chances are though, if someone is telling you that something needs to change, then perhaps a certain part of your life has actually been impacted. Stop thinking about change, and let's get started! Give me a call and we can chat about your life and what you really want (more time with kids, family, sustainable income, freedom,...?). Perhaps you carry around life-old secrets, struggles and emotions that you have buried under your addictions. We will process the pain and uncover the reasons for your addiction. We will develop new habits to help you succeed and cope with what life will throw you, so you can thrive when it does happen! 

GNCS no longer conducts Rule 25 Assessments but will see individuals on an individual basis who are struggling with both mental health and chemical depedendency concerns. At times, individuals may be recommended to a higher level of care.